

Pradip Burman shared the vision and role of World Environment School in making it a sustainable world at SDGs Impact Summit 2019

November 22, 2019

Mr Pradip Burman was pleased to be invited at the annual event of #SDGs Impact Summit. The event was organised in collaboration with @TOIIndiaNews group and The World We Want, t...

प्रदेश में वर्ल्ड इन्वायरमेंट स्कूल की स्थापना करेगा डाबर ग्रुप

November 6, 2019

डाबर इंडिया के पूर्व चेयरमैन और प्रमोटर प्रदीप बर्मन ने विधानसभा अ...

Amazon Fire Break Out

September 5, 2019

Brazil: More than 70,000 fires burnt in the Amazon rainforest this year. Most of the blazes were set illegally by farmers and loggers to clear land for crops and pastures...

What's On

World Environment School, Coorg Launch News

September 25, 2019

The first edition of ‘International Conference on Sustainability Education (ICSE)’ was organised jointly by Mobius Foundation, The Climate Reality Project, India in partners...

Asia’s first environmental school launched at ICSE 2019 Conference on Sustainability Education

September 5, 2019

The need for environmental education is growing rapidly as the degradation of the environment is taking place at a fast pace. Considering the escalating need, 'Internatio...